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Boosting Local Equity, Supporting Diverse Voices for Change and Empowering the Next Generation

Since establishing its North American headquarters in Newark, NJ, Audible has embedded social impact initiatives to help fuel the neighborhood economy and build a career pipeline for youth in the Newark metro area through the Future Leaders program. Audible’s Global Center for Urban Development works to attract new and diverse businesses to the area, partners with city and community leadership to reimagine public spaces, employs local talent, enriches the arts through the Newark Artist Collaboration, addresses food insecurities through Newark Working Kitchens and provides rapid response grants for emergency services for Newark residents. All of this work has helped create an exemplary framework for local social impact that other places - including Cambridge, Los Angeles, London and Berlin - are now learning from and looking to apply. Find out how the building blocks of Audible’s success can serve you and your stakeholders, too.

Publication Date
Oct 16, 2023